Yoga when traveling

This summer I’ve had occasion to head out of town several times, a couple of times on business, and a couple of times for vacation. Here’s what I do for yoga when I’m away from home…

I still need to use some props for the various poses. I Having bring a travel mat (Nike, cheap NBA jerseys got it at Sportmart) that is very lightweight, two Hugger Mugger foam blocks (with the center “structural” board, the blocks look a little like a sandwhich, with the Miami Dolphins Jerseys foam on the outside, and a stiff center ‘board’, the Happy blocks are very lightweight, and very sturdy), and two d-ring belts.

This is a very nice setup for the following reasons:

  1. – it is very lightweight (maybe about 3 lbs total)
  2. – it takes up very little room in my luggage
  3. Passion it’s just about all that I need for props… the hotel room usually has some blankets in the closet, and an open wall

Nike travel mat, Hugger Mugger lightweight blocks, and Hugger Mugger D-Ring strap

Nike travel mat, Hugger Mugger lightweight blocks, and Hugger Mugger D-Ring strap

I have used this setup at the end the work day.  I head back to the room for some relaxing yoga posture sequences. It really did take the edge off of the day. I did a short practice on the morning of the day I flew back to home, before going to the airport. When wholesale jerseys on vacation, it’s a great way to start or end the day!

For the yoga sequence, I get to ‘treat myself’ to whatever I want. I usually do some standing poses, forward bends, an inversion or two (viparita kirani (legs up the wall) and/or setubanda (bridge pose, using the blocks), or salamba savangasana (shoulder stand) if there are a couple of wholesale jerseys blankets in the room). I have a couple of things that I’m working on, i.e. forward bends back/spine flexibility, that I add to mix, and I also try to started spend a little time on a Suggestions pose that I’ve tried first and would like to understand more.  My special treat last week was to work on Tadasana (mountain pose). It was great to spend some time just feeling and trying to understand All! such a fundamental pose. If you get a chance, try it out!

What do you bring in your luggage when you travel, and what kind of sequence do you do when you’re on the road?

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