Show #39 Yoga Radio: Dec 3, 2014 – Yoga and Consumerism

Black-Friday-opening-240 Truly, one of the most interesting conundrums to practitioners of yoga is the relationship to stuff. We are an abundant society, and there is as much stuff to be had as any individual could possibly want. Is that a good thing? Is the pursuit of wealth in all its forms something to stay away from?If the goal of yoga is peace of mind and a life free from attachments, then is it wrong to want things?

We’ll be talking about these ideas, and how one might be able to attain a balanced approach to the holidays.
Listen in and maybe you’ll get a good idea you can try out.
Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…

Email: dan@yogastudents.orgTwitter: @yogastudents

swastikasana-240 SwastikasanaAuspicious Pose


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