Show #21 Yoga Radio: June 11, 2014 – Summertime and Yoga

summeryoga-240 Ok, we’ve been locked up all winter, and after a lingering spring, it’s time to get outside. Hey, maybe I’ll skip yoga class… Don’t do that! How about a nice simple personal practice that keeps you on the yoga path, and gives you the ability to go outside and ‘smell the roses’, too?How about the best of both worlds? What do you do, and how do you handle these ‘conflicting’ interests?

Check in with us by sending an email to us during the show (, or tweeting @yogastudents during the show

Have an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…

Twitter: @yogastudents

triang_mukaikapad_paschimottanasa-240 Pose of the week:Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
Three-Limbed Forward Bend

One thought on “Show #21 Yoga Radio: June 11, 2014 – Summertime and Yoga”

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