Category Archives: yoga

Show #23 Yoga Radio: June 25, 2014 – The Future of Yoga is – ??

future_freeway_sign250_1 One of the problems that yoga continues to face is the Westernization-commercialization issue, which is not new, but seems to be increasingly prevalent in some circles. There’s no doubt that the practice today, in its myriad forms, is significantly shifted from the one practiced by men in India in past millennia. Present day yoga has branched practically exponentially from the handful of original schools, as has the trade-marking of these derivatives. That yoga has lost some of its oomph as it becomes more a business and less a practice is no secret.  But whether this change is a good or bad thing is up for debate.Interested in learning more? Tune in… for more in this exciting episode!

Have an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…

Twitter: @yogastudents

Krounchasana-BKS-240x327 Pose of the week:KrauncasanaHeron Pose

Show #22 Yoga Radio: June 18, 2014 – Yoga and Vegetarianism

240px-Soy-whey-protein-diet Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat – red meat, poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal.Vegetarianism can be adopted for different reasons. Many object to eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Other motivations for vegetarianism are health-related, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic or economic. There are varieties of the diet as well: an ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products, a lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs, and an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products. A vegan, or strict vegetarian, diet excludes all animal products, including eggs, dairy, beeswax and honey. Some vegans also avoid animal products such as leather for clothing and goose-fat for shoe polish.Interested in learning more? Tune in… for more in this exciting episode!

Have an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…

Twitter: @yogastudents

maricyasana1 Pose of the week:Marichyasana I

Pose dedicated to the sage Marichi 1


Show #21 Yoga Radio: June 11, 2014 – Summertime and Yoga

summeryoga-240 Ok, we’ve been locked up all winter, and after a lingering spring, it’s time to get outside. Hey, maybe I’ll skip yoga class… Don’t do that! How about a nice simple personal practice that keeps you on the yoga path, and gives you the ability to go outside and ‘smell the roses’, too?How about the best of both worlds? What do you do, and how do you handle these ‘conflicting’ interests?

Check in with us by sending an email to us during the show (, or tweeting @yogastudents during the show

Have an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…

Twitter: @yogastudents

triang_mukaikapad_paschimottanasa-240 Pose of the week:Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
Three-Limbed Forward Bend

Show #20 Yoga Radio: June 4, 2014 – Teaching Yoga in School?

child-240px Yoga is an increasingly popular form of meditation and exercise in the U.S., and the public is split on whether it is first and foremost a spiritual practice. The Huffington Post notes that, according to recent Pew Research Center surveys, 49 percent of the general public thinks yoga has a religious element, while just 28 percent of religiously unaffiliated Americans agree.Where do you stand on this question?Have an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…


Twitter: @yogastudents

ardha_baddha_padma_paschimottanasana_iyengar Pose of the week:
Janu Sirsasana
Head to knee pose.

Show #17 May 7, 2014: Asana Names and Mythology

Hanumantha-240 Have you ever wondered where the various names of yoga poses come from?Listen in while we discuss the names of the poses, and the mythological characters they were named after.Have an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…


Twitter: @yogastudents

Utkatasana_Yoga-Asana_Nina-Mel-240 Pose of the week:UtkaṭāsanaChair Pose

Show #16 April 30, 2014: Mantra

240px-Om Mantra means a sacred utterance, numinous sound, or a syllable, word, phonemes, or group of words believed by some to have psychological and spiritual power. Mantra may or may not be syntactic or have literal meaning; the spiritual value of mantra comes when it is audible, visible, or present in thought.Listen in while we discuss when to use-and not use-these tools.Have an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…


Twitter: @yogastudents

240-Ado-muka-shvanasana Pose of the week:
Adho Mukha ŚvānāsanaDownward Facing Dog


Show #15 April 23, 2014: Yoga Props

propguide2013-cropped The original yogis didn’t practice with foam blocks, D-ring straps, or purple sticky mats. But as yoga evolved, many practitioners discovered that props could help deepen their explorations.Are props a helpful supplement to your practice, or do they just get in the way? Listen in while we discuss when to use-and not use-these tools.Have an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…

Send us a message, request a subject for us to discuss, ask to be on the show!


Twitter: @yogastudents

uttanasana-cropped Pose of the week:
Standing Forward Bend

Show #14 April 16, 2014 Learn about the Chakras and Energy Channels of the Subtle Body


Listen in on a Discussion of the Chakras and Energy Channels of the Subtle Body

In Hindu and tantric/yogic traditions and other belief systems chakras are energy points or knots in the subtle body. They are located at the physical counterparts of the major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves. Chakras are part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels, called nadiis. Nadiis are channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana), or vital energy moves.

320px-Ardha_maerudhandaasana Pose of the week: Padangustasana I
Hand to Big Toe Pose