The original yogis didn’t practice with foam blocks, D-ring straps, or purple sticky mats. But as yoga evolved, many practitioners discovered that props could help deepen their explorations.Are props a helpful supplement to your practice, or do they just get in the way? Listen in while we discuss when to use-and not use-these tools.Have an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…
Send us a message, request a subject for us to discuss, ask to be on the show! Email: Twitter: @yogastudents |
Pose of the week: Uttānāsana Standing Forward Bend |
All posts by Dan
Show #14 April 16, 2014 Learn about the Chakras and Energy Channels of the Subtle Body
Listen in on a Discussion of the Chakras and Energy Channels of the Subtle BodyIn Hindu and tantric/yogic traditions and other belief systems chakras are energy points or knots in the subtle body. They are located at the physical counterparts of the major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves. Chakras are part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels, called nadiis. Nadiis are channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana), or vital energy moves.
Pose of the week: Padangustasana I Hand to Big Toe Pose |
Show #13 April 9, 2014 Muscle Lengthening and the Anatomy of Stretching
There is a science behind stretching and muscle lengthening. Listen in as we discuss what anatomy experts have to say.
Pose of the week: Prasāritapādottānāsana Wide Stance Forward Bend |
Show #12 April 2, 2014 Ram Dass
Ram Dass is an American contemporary spiritual teacher and the author of the seminal 1971 book Be Here Now. We’ll be talking about his contribution in tonite’s show.
Pose of the week: Padangustasana I Wide Stance Forward Bend |
Show #11 March 19, 2014 Yoga and Physical Ailments
Many People start a yoga practice as a way to address physical ailments. Join in as we discuss how yoga can help us all..
Pose of the week: Parivṛttatrikoṇāsana Revolved Triangle Pose |
Show #10 March 12, 2014 Yoga and Health
Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice, its a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation, practiced for over 5,000 years.Join us as we discuss how yoga can help you enjoy more of every day. |
Pose of the week: Vīrabhadrāsana III Warrior III |
Show #9, March 5, 2014 Learn about the main people that brought Yoga to the West
Who are these three people, and why do you care?They introduced yoga to the ‘Western World’, and are the ‘fountainhead’ of yoga that we know today. Listen in and learn more about them. |
Pose of the week: Vīrabhadrāsana II Warrior 2 |
Yoga Sutras with Abhi Ghosh
Yoga Circle Presents:
Yoga Sutras with Abhi Ghosh |
Saturdays, Apr 5 – May 10: 2.30 – 4 pm |
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali has remained an indispensible handbook for all levels of yoga practitioners for more than two thousand years. It is the key book that unlocks some of the deeper dimensions of yoga and presents us with the bigger picture no matter what our background or tradition is. By studying the Sutras and its explanations, we access the insights of master practitioners from ancient India that broaden our vision of yoga and enlighten our own practice, whether we are just beginners or seasoned teachers. In this thorough and systematic course on the Sutras, we will:
– Learn to chant the Sutras in its original Sanskrit
– Decode the text to deepen our understanding
– Individually and collectively contemplate on the Sutras
– Study the traditional commentaries in translation
– Implement the teachings in our real life
– End some classes with a meditation session
We would be using Edwin Bryant’s Yoga Sutras: A New Translation and Commentary, North Point Press, 2009.
Abhi Ghosh is an academic scholar of South Asian religions and has been a practitioner of bhakti-yoga for the last twenty-one years. He has spent considerable time in various monasteries in India has been trained at Calcutta and Jadavpur universities in India, Oxford University, UK and the University of Chicago. He has taught several courses in the areas of Hinduism, Buddhism, Tantra, Yoga Sutras and various other ‘Asian Classics’ at the University of Chicago’s Graham School. Since 2005 Abhi has travelled across India, Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and USA sharing his ideas and practices with hundreds of individuals.
Cost: $25 per class and $135 for all six classes
Iyengar yoga locations/teachers nearby Oak Park, IL:
Iyengar yoga locations/teachers nearby Oak Park, IL:
Yoga Circle in downtown Chicago has several Iyengar Teachers and classes throughout the week
Garden of Yoga in LaGrange has several Iyengar Teachers and classes throughout the week
Patrina Dobish teaches Iyengar yoga in Chicago has a class starting Jan 10, 2013, Quilombo center, Chicago, Thursday 7-8:30 pm
Laura Lundy: Teaches an Iyengar yoga class in Oak Park and in LaGrange at the Garden of Yoga
Peer Yoga Group
Other possibilities in Oak Park/River Forest Area:
“Self-study group”, started in March 2013.
– We meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month, this is a student led, free yoga class.
– You’ll need to bring your own props, it’s at 7pm until about 8:30 pm.
– The class is open to all students.
– For exact location or if you have questions, contact Dan Waterloo at
– Our syllabus for the classes is Geeta Iyengar’s book:
– – Yoga in Action: A Preliminary Course
– –
Note: the charts/tables in the back of the book are incorrect, Joan has provided the changes to write in to correct the tables: