Our Guest tonite is Donna Prenta, a RYT500 Yoga teacher. She is a student of Yoga for over 20 years with a passion for the mind-body connection. Donna has a special gift for working with special needs. For over 8 years Donna has shared her intelligence, gentleness, and compassion with students in her classes. Her youngest student was born with Down Syndrome. Her intention for students is to “ignite the spark” that lives in each soul. Through the practice of Yoga profound healing occurs.
Please join us as we discuss Donna’s work and experience with special need students, which includes us all!
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Truly, one of the most interesting conundrums to practitioners of yoga is the relationship to stuff. We are an abundant society, and there is as much stuff to be had as any individual could possibly want. Is that a good thing? Is the pursuit of wealth in all its forms something to stay away from?If the goal of yoga is peace of mind and a life free from attachments, then is it wrong to want things?
We’ll be talking about these ideas, and how one might be able to attain a balanced approach to the holidays.
Listen in and maybe you’ll get a good idea you can try out.
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Our yoga practice is a multifaceted gem. It’s like a prism that reflects a different color depending on how the light hits it. Our practice can reflect back to us different emotions, feelings, or thoughts depending on how we approach it.Yoga can draw out parts of ourselves we know exist but have difficulty accessing at times, such as strength, flexibility, balance, trust, love, and gratitude.
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This year we started the radio station, and it’s been a lot of fun. I’ll be talking about how we use Twitter, Facebook, our website, skype, and more to extend our reach across the digital plane.You’ll want to listen in, because to be a ‘modern digifile’, you’ll need to do the same thing. It’s not just for young people, it’s for everyone… the nascent new order. You can keep it simple, or make it more involved. If you are a yoga instructor, a yoga practitioner, have a job, have friends that live far away, or just need to communicate, you’ll want to listen.Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…
Earlier this year, Bill Maher got into a discussion about Eastern spirituality and made the claim, ‘Yoga is just stretching.’One piece of traditional yoga ideology is being reconsidered: the yamas and niyamas. Historically one would not be allowed to study if these ethical rules of conduct were not adhered to. If you weren’t practicing these social and personal codes—not stealing, not participating in violence, speaking and acting truthfully, reflecting on your inner nature, and so forth—you were not considered prepared for the deeper experiences of sense withdrawal and meditation.
Let’s discuss these relationships between yoga and politics tonite.
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Paramahansa Yogananda, the Hindu Swami who brought yoga and meditation to the West in the 1920s, authored the spiritual classic “Autobiography of a Yogi,” which has sold millions of copies worldwide and is a go-to book for seekers, philosophers and yoga enthusiasts today.Yogananda was also instrumental creating the ground for the contemporary practice of holistic medicine: he spoke of energy, aryuvedic medicine, and more.
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The days are getting shorter, the energy in the biosphere is changing, a hibernation is in process. Shouldn’t this also have an effect on our yoga practice? We’ll be talking about this during the show tonite. Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…
Shouldn’t yoga be fun to do? Getting in a rut? Listen tonite as we talk about how to make it fun and what you can do to ‘pep-up’ your practice. Please listen inHave an opinion? Join in by sending an email, or a tweet, using the links below…
Email: dan@yogastudents.orgTwitter: @yogastudents Facebook.com/yogastudents